Hobartville Public School

Success with Honour

Telephone02 4578 1110


Kindergarten outline



In Kindergarten, students have the opportunity to participate in many experiences throughout the school. In Term 1, Kindergarten students participate in gross motor activities, engaging with each of the Kindergarten teachers and their peers across the stage. This is to build physical and social skills which can assist them in the playground. Students also engage in various social skills programs throughout the year to promote peer relationships and resilience. Peer Support groups are a big part of this. 



Students from Kindergarten to Year 2 engage in Creative and Performing Arts rotations each week. They participate in dance, music, visual arts, drama, environmental education and indigenous studies. This allows them to work in different rooms around the school with teachers that have a passion for that subject.



Kindergarten days are very routine with students engaging in Literacy sessions each morning. Students focus on learning sounds, developing reading and writing skills, and speaking and listening    



The school is well resourced for Mathematics and the students are involved in many hands-on experiences within the classroom. We have a Science Day once a term where the students are involved in scientific investigations which link to our science topic.

At Hobartville, the students have the opportunity to attend excursions and incursions which further enhance our learning programs and allow the students to learn in different ways.